Monday, May 13, 2024

May Harvest & Gatherings

Hello, friends.  Last week, I dehydrated the last of our onions, which had sprouted, all except three small ones that were still holding on.  A batch of GF breadcrumbs was ground, from bread ends that had dried.  I harvested lettuce, peas, radishes, thyme, rosemary, chard, and one beet.  The beet greens were sauteed with garlic, along with the chard.  All the still-potted seedlings were fed with banana peel water, to encourage growth, then the peels were added to the compost.  As I use bananas every day in a smoothie, this is easy to accomplish.  Three pawpaw saplings were dug, and shared with friends.  We had our 7th wedding anniversary this week, and chose to have a quiet night at home.  Soon enough, we'll be having plenty of adventures in the skoolie. 

After an appointment, I thrifted a new/barely used magic bullet blender for $5, which I regularly use to make dressings and sauces.  I've tried it out, and it works great, so we've now got one for the skoolie.  I also found an immersion blender for $3, and incandescent lightbulbs for $1 per pkg.  I use an immersion blender for soups and soap (separate ones), and like to keep a back up on hand.  Though it may not be PC, I've been gathering incandescent bulbs as I see them, as the light is so much warmer and nicer than LED.  I figure these bulbs will be used by someone, and as we get a large portion of our power from the sun, it will offset the somewhat higher energy usage.

It was a busy week, with lots of time away from home, between appointments, gathering with friends, and J's family's Mother's Day gathering.  I brought apple beet salad, and a new lentil salad to share for our lunch.  A neighbor offered J his extra tomato seedlings, and J dug him two hazelnut saplings.  The tomato plants are much larger than any we had... Brandywine, German Johnson and Cherokee Purple.  J thinks he started them in November, in their greenhouse.  We're hoping that means earlier tomatoes for us, as it's often August before we start seeing any ripen.  He got them in the ground the next day, and put cages around all the tomatoes.  I made an online purchase through Swagbucks, for 6% back, and used a 15% off code.  I hope all the Mamas had a lovely Mother's Day.  Have a beautiful week, friends!


daisy g said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

You got some real buys thrifting. It'll be great to have an extra blender for the Skoolie, so that you have one less thing to remember to pack.

Your harvest is still abundant! I hope your tomatoes give you lots of sauce, soup or whatever else you may use it for.

Enjoy the rain this week! We will be amply blessed!

April said...

Happy anniversary!

And wow as to your harvesting already! So great!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Happy anniversary to you both!

I COMPLETELY agree with you about the lightbulbs. I do not like the LED ones at all.

Great finds! I love my magic bullet - I use it every single day.

A great selection of tomatoes gifted to you. I'm hoping for you that you receive tomatoes a bit earlier. It always seems to take forever for the first to appear, but once that happens, then it's hard to keep up!

Have a wonderful week.

Laurie said...

Thanks to all for the well wishes! I'm hoping not to need to transfer lots of things each time we travel, at least the small stuff. The juicer and large blender will need to be, as I won't be duplicating those, and that juicer is heavy! Here's hoping for a good tomato year!

You'd think, with all the technology, they could figure out how to make a warmer light, wouldn't you? I used the magic bullet last night, to make cashew parmesan, so realized I use it for more than dressings and sauces. It's handy. It does seem to take forever for the first tomato to ripen. Fingers crossed for early ones. J picked up some Early Girls this week too, which might help to make that happen.