Friday, October 13, 2023

A Skoolie-Sized Vanity

A bit more progress has been made on the skoolie this week.  After unsuccessfully searching for a small piece of furniture to serve as our vanity, which would fit in the small 16"W space we have, I found a 14" antique treasure that will work perfectly in the space.  The basin will match the blue in our little stained glass bathroom window too.  I love it, and the fact that we're able to put some of our aesthetic in the bus, which will be unlike any other out there.  It needs a little love, such as repairing the crack in the wood at about 2:00.  As I type this, Joseph has already glued, clamped, and fabricated a little metal band to shore it up, which he's screwed in underneath the crack.  The basin had a small chip on the underside edge, with a 3" crack, which I shored up with super glue.  We're debating what we want to do with the lid, and are considering turning it around to it's more decorative side, and bringing the faucet through it.  

It became obvious the past week that a couple of changes needed to be made to the original plan.  The mini split, which will provide our a/c and heat, was intended to go up above the windshield in the front.  Joseph realized it would stick out more than he cared for, so he came up with another plan, which was to put it down under his bus seat.  He cut a hole, and mounted it there.  He's thinking of a creative design we might make for the grate that will go over it, to keep any detritus from being sucked in.  The other change was when he realized the toilet could not go where planned, as underneath it is a frame rail, which would not allow the needed plumbing.  That's an easy one, as we can just swap the vanity and toilet placement.  Thankfully, no holes had been made yet, for either of these needed changes.  I do believe our angels are looking out for us, and maybe even cheering us on.


Barbara Rogers said...

I have been watching this process, and enjoying each step taken. It's sure coming together nicely.

Laurie said...

Thank you, Barbara. We're pretty pleased with it too.

daisy g said...

What a darling vanity! I agree, the angels are guiding you to find these most perfect treasures! Joseph is great at flexible thinking. What a gift.

Laurie said...

I agree. It's a really good trait to have, when you're doing something entirely new!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

That is an adorable vanity! Angels indeed. And I love the thought of them cheering you on.
It seems to really be coming together.

Laurie said...

Thank you, Staci! Definitely grateful for the angels that assist us along the way.