Saturday, May 13, 2023

Skoolie Demo

Though there is quite a bit more to do, J & I have been making good progress on demolition.  This was the day I started removing the upholstery from the bus seats, after J had unfastened them from the floor.  I had put a couple cushions down for the pups, but they were quickly more interested in the manure spreader the guys were working on :o).  J took lots of things off the bus, like mirrors and lights.

Moving all the seats, and going through things netted us a good bit of change, as well as a bunch of candy wrappers, pens and pencils, some homework, and even some love letters.  I'm saving the love letters, homework, and a few other things in a file, as part of the history of the bus.  I'm considering making a shadow box, or something similar, or may just keep the file in the bus. 

On the second day, I finished removing all the upholstery, and J got all of the seats out of the bus.  The upholstery needed to be removed, to take them to the salvage yard.

He took out all the side windows, and the door.  He's decided to do a roof raise, which is reasonably common with bus conversions.  He's around 6'2", and can only stand upright in the very front, so though it will be a good amount of work, it will make it much more comfortable for him in general, he'll be able to take showers upright, and the living space will feel a lot more spacious.  He's planning on raising it 18", which still gives us some leeway to get under bridges.  

I bagged up all the upholstery fabric and threw the foam into J's truck, so he could take it all to the dump on Friday.  We took all the seat frames to the metal salvage yard next, along with a few other odds and ends, and made a little money while getting rid of some things around our worksite. 

On Saturday, J took out the emergency exit door, and the storage compartment above the windshield.  We do plan to have storage in that area, but will make it to suit our needs.  You'll notice in the top pic that there are still the children's seating assignments on the wall.  I plan to keep several of these, or maybe all of them, as well.  As the bus is parked behind J's business, you'll see various metal objects surrounding the bus in the pics.  I found another skoolie event a few weeks away, which we're looking into.  I hope this one works out!


daisy g said...

Wow! Y'all got so much done! Isn't that sweet, finding love letters!
You're on a roll!

Laurie said...

The love letters made my day!

April said...

I love watching the progress! And your finds made me smile!

Laurie said...

Yes, me too!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Wow - just wow! You got so much done! The finds would have made my day as well. That is such a great idea to keep them with the bus. I'm so excited to watch the progress - thank you for sharing with us!

Laurie said...

Joseph is on a mission to get the roof raised before the really hot weather hits. Here's hoping!

BLD in MT said...

I enjoyed zooming in and reading those notes. Thanks for including the pic!

The skoolie looks so different already!

Laurie said...

I'm loving all the little bits of history!

Jeannie said...

An impressive amount of work you have accomplished!


Laurie said...

There's so much to do, we're hoping to get as much done as we can before it gets really hot!