Monday, November 7, 2022

Time To Play

Hello, friends.  Each morning, I've noticed bumblebees hanging out on the stevia flowers, where I assume they'd spent the night.  Last week, our weather continued to be dry, and laundry was dried on the line.  I cooked small sweet potatoes for the pups and chickens, and baked a few larger ones for us, to have with a winter salad and pinto beans.  We're eating the tomatoes and peppers as they ripen indoors.  My husband needed assistance at a job this week, this time at a home.  We were working under some large trees, and I noticed several small tufts of usnea, which I brought home, and added to the glycerite jar.  A batch of alfalfa sprouts was made.

The sweet peppers that aren't being eaten are being chopped and frozen.  My sister and I met one afternoon, a few towns away.  I made several stops on the way, and picked up three books at a library branch I'd not been to before.  I noticed gas @ 3.05, instead of the 3.29 near us, so stopped and filled up.  The same station was 3.09 when I went by on the way home.  My sister and I stopped at a Goodwill, and I found a canister to turn into a compost crock.  I made my "fast food" sauteed peppers, potatoes, garlic and onions for dinner, with asparagus and salad when I got home.  I was able to catch up on several small things on my to do list last week, which feels really nice.  Kale, lettuce, chickweed, rosemary, thyme, garlic chives and spearmint were harvested, along with several leaves from the potted sweet potato.


Still using up the last of the eggplant, I made a pasta sauce using most of them, along with our tomato juice, onions, garlic & herbs.  I found a package of blue cheese in the freezer, which neither of us can eat now, so I've been doling it out to the pups, who are in heaven.  We were able to open up the house several days, due to temps in the mid to upper 70's.  I rearranged the closet, so my winter clothes would be easier to reach.  I pulled several things to donate, including the majority of my scrubs, as I'm letting my massage license expire this year.  A local brewery sent an invite to all of the original backers, to view a production of Every Brilliant Thing for free Sunday night, so J & I had a date night, and enjoyed a beer while viewing the play.  We were glad we went.  A fun day is planned with a friend this coming week.  It's lovely to have a bit more time to relax and play again.  I hope you're finding some time to do the same.  


daisy g said...

How much fun it must be to join your sister in an adjoining town and go exploring! So glad you have more leisure time.

Rachel on "That 1870's Homestead" inspired me to try a sweet potato hash dish that she featured last week. I will substitute Boca crumbles or beans for the meat, but it sounds divine! A few of our home-raised eggs will be included in the mix.

The weather has been lovely, and we even got some rain over the weekend! Hope you did too!

Peace to you my friend.

Laurie said...

Good morning, Daisy! We still have not gotten rain, other than a a handful of drops now and then. I treasure spending time with my sister. It's indeed precious. The sweet potato hash sounds interesting. I occasionally watch her, and will have to check it out. Have a lovely week!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

It's so nice that you are able to get out and do some fun things! The night at the play sounds like fun. I don't want to wish slowness on my business at this important time, because sales are so slow Jan - May but I do wish we had just a little more time in November and December to get out and enjoy the season. I hope to figure out a way to free ourselves up just a bit more next year.

We only have a handful of ripening tomatoes left. It's perfect because we are tomatoed out until Spring when we'll be wishing the tomato plants would miraculously grow quickly. 😊

Those are some lucky pups!!
Have a wonderful week!

Laurie said...

It really is a challenge to find balance, when you're self-employed, isn't it? It certainly is for me. I hope you find a little time to enjoy the season this week!

April said...

Love love love the bees in the stevia. It has been warmer than usual these last few weeks (in the 60s and 70s) but most of our bees are gone for the fall. Hard frost coming this weekend and that will finish the outdoor flowers for the season. I am already anticipating the bees NEXT spring!

Laurie said...

Glad you've got to enjoy some warmer days there. We've got some colder weather coming too on Sunday. The flowers and the bees will be missed.