Monday, February 12, 2024

Canning Lessons & Estate Planning

Hello, friends.  Last week, I sowed two rows of peas in the garden, including seeds I saved last year. Every year, I hope I'll have enough to put some up.  Maybe this will be the year.  I soaked dried white beans one morning, which were used for baked beans, with hope that the recipe was tastier than the previous ones, more like traditional baked beans.  This batch was much better, after adding molasses and lemon juice.  A batch of cashew parmesan was made.  And, drum roll... I finally used up the last of the '22 "football" sweet potatoes, and started on the '23's.  I'm happy about that.  All laundry was dried on the line, and I caught up on ironing, which was all the napkins and tablecloths from the holiday gatherings.  The success with the baked beans inspired me to can a batch.  While watching the canner, I hand mended a sweater and a vest.  The chicken's egg production has increased, with the longer days.

We are in the midst of having our wills made.  As suggested, I went by the bank, and made sure J would have access to my accounts in the event of my death, without having to go through the court.  We're looking into what is needed to do the same for our vehicles.  We're late getting to it, though we've been talking about it for years.  It's good to finally be taking care of it, knowing the other person would have an easier time of it, once that time comes.  Recently, dear Annabel unexpectedly lost her husband.  He had taken care of many details for the family in December, almost as if he knew what would come to pass.  While at the bank, I spoke with a woman who has a family member with eczema, which continues to get worse.  I shared a little bit about the Medical Medium with her, and the morning protocol, which has helped me so much.  While there, I dropped off a book at the library and picked up a couple more.  There have been a few days warm enough to open windows, for fresh air in the house.

On Saturday, my sister came over to learn about pressure canning.  She had soaked garbanzo beans and lentils overnight, and brought them, and the jars and lids with her.  With some changes in plans, my niece was able to join us as well.  It was a good day, and also lovely and warm.  We talked a bit about gardening too, when we had lulls in the canning tasks.  All of the jars sealed, so a successful first attempt.  I've been intending to work on using up the whole wheat flour J had bought, knowing it doesn't have a long shelf life, so I made a batch of these chocolate chip cookies for him.  I baked a few of them, with the remaining dough in the fridge for upcoming days.  He was given 3# of sausage from a guy he does a lot of work for.  The beeswax candles in the first photo are some our great-nephew made.  We loved using them for our dinners last week.  I hope love of all kinds surrounds the world this Valentine's Day.


daisy g said...

What a lovely week you've had! I'm sure your sister and niece appreciate you taking the time to teach them canning.
The candles are elegant. I really need to set aside a day to make some before winter is over!

I'm so glad y'all are taking care of your wills. We recently redid ours and also finally had a Special Needs Trust made for our son. It's such a relief to know that is taken care of.

May peace find its way to you this week. Enjoy the rain today!

Laurie said...

I can imagine how good that must feel, knowing your son will be taken care of. I have never made candles, though I have an old taper mold. One of those things that never made it to the top of the list, I guess! I hope your week is lovely.

April said...

May your ending sentence indeed come true. I am certainly hoping.

Laurie said...

When enough of us put those thoughts out there, it will. Here's hoping it's sooner than later.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

That's great that your niece was able to join in the canning as well. Sounds like a wonderful time. Congrats on using up the football sized sweet potatoes! Your mentioning baked beans makes me realize it's been a while since I've made that. Something to add to next week's menu! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

Laurie said...

Happy to be moving on to the '23 sweet potatoes. Hope your week is a good one

Jeannie said...

That was kind of you to teach others a valuable life skill. Knowing how to can has saved us a fortune and improved our diets.


Laurie said...

It's certainly a good skill to have. Being they were both here learning, they plan to can their next round together, which I love.