Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving & A Street Smart Hen

Hello, friends.  Last week, I sewed a button on a shirt, and mended the embroidery on another.  All laundry was dried on the line.  I weeded the rest of the carrot bed, and brought another 5 gal. bucket of weeds to the chickens.  Another day, I worked on the beet bed, and the chickens got another bucket of weeds.  I hand washed a cashmere sweater with homemade soap gel.  After an appointment, I stopped at a thrift store, and found a stainless Farberware sauce pot for $6 and a bag of blackout fabric for $5, both for the skoolie, and a canister for my shop.  I harvested the first collards, and made dirty rice and collards, which we enjoyed with our sweet potatoes.

Golden paste was made for the pups.  I used $25.25 in rewards towards my CC bill, which was paid before accruing any interest.  Kale was harvested for a salad.  Hay was placed around the carrot bed, and on the portion of the beet bed I've weeded.  J & I cleaned up the tromboncino and cucumber trellises, and will burn the remains.  More calendula seeds were gathered.  I'd been noticing mama game hen, who raised a brood this summer, had begun disappearing again.  She was eating with the others in the morning, but was gone when I came back to bring their mash, later in the day.  I wandered around the second chicken yard, and looked in the woods around the yards, then J joined in, but we couldn't find her.  We decided she had to be closer.  I thought to look under the coop, which had a small opening just big enough for a tiny hen, and sure enough, we found a nest with 15 eggs!  I watched for her the next morning, and about a minute after the others were let out for the day, she snuck out from her hiding place.  That girl's got street smarts! :o).

I was able to pick up organic lemons last week on sale.  As I've used them, I grated and froze the lemon zest, for future recipes.  I filled the dehydrator with celery, and powdered it when dry.  Knowing Thursday would be my only day at home this week, I decided to bake sweet potatoes for pie Sunday morning.  We're still working on finishing the '22 sweet potatoes.  All that are left are the huge football ones, which are perfect for pies.  I baked a pie and froze it, so that piece of our Thanksgiving meal is done, except for reheating.  We plan to have a quiet day at home, and I'd prefer if my entire day wasn't spent in the kitchen. but to have some time to just enjoy the day.  If you're celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you too have an enjoyable day.


daisy g said...

What a smart girl! Glad you found the nest. What will you do with the eggs?

Sounds like a busy week for you. I will make our allergry-friendly sweet potato pie on Wednesday, and on Thursday the sides. Hubby makes the turkey (since he is the only one who will be eating it). We always watch, "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" as a family tradition.

I hope you have a relaxing day. Blessings...

April said...

Laurie, I am just returning to the land of the living, and jumped into your post. How could anyone, especially me, resist the call of "A Street Smart Hen" in your title?

I hope your household has a wonderful week, and much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Laurie said...

Daisy, J is inclined to let her continue to sit on them. I'm concerned about the possibility of a dozen more roosters! Family traditions are such a lovely thing. Enjoy your day!

April, you've been in my thoughts. I'm really glad to "see" you again. That little hen just cracks me up. She has such personality. Yes indeed, there is much to be grateful for. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with all good things.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

I had to laugh at the title. I assumed, since you had posted about her on IG, that it was the little hen. Too funny. I completely agree about Thanksgiving. I, too, am trying to get things together tomorrow and Wednesday so I'm not in the kitchen for so long. That's impressive that you're still eating sweet potatoes from 22! Wow!

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving my friend!

Laurie said...

I wish I could share some of those sweet potatoes with you! There are still quite a few. I guess that's good, as this year's harvest was on the low side. Hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Jeannie said...

What a sneaky hen. Obviously, she has been hiding the eggs for quite a while since there are 15. I agree, dealing with a dozen roosters would be a headache.


Laurie said...

She is a wily little thing. If you're so inclined, please throw up a prayer that she hatches lots more hens than roosters. Our track record here has been the opposite, but we can hope.