Monday, November 27, 2023

A Week At The Gallery

Hello, friends.  I hope you've had a good week.  We had a quiet Thanksgiving.  I made fresh cranberry sauce, a sweet potato casserole, winter salad, and heated the pie made on Sunday.  J prepared a ham, and the pups got all the bits of fat cut off.  While I worked at the gallery all week, I worked on various projects between customers.  All the holiday cards were written and addressed, some paperwork was done, good progress was made on the cross stitch, and I worked on whittling down my inbox.  I redeemed Swagbucks for a $25 gift card.  One of the lovely things about the internet is the friendships made online with kindred spirits.  I was surprised to find this beautiful handmade card and gift in the mailbox, sent by a friend.  The tree is a portion of a quilt made by her great-grandmother for her grandmother.  How wonderful to imagine the stories and history in that little scrap of fabric.  I will cherish it.

J went over and beyond last week.  As I wasn't going to be home until around 6 each night, we came up with easy meals, and he cooked dinner every night, which was a first.  I don't mean to say he has never cooked a meal for me, but it's been quite some time, and he's certainly never made a week's worth of dinners.  I was so very appreciative.  It is a wonderful thing to be self-employed, but the income is certainly variable.  I feel blessed to have gotten 5 days of work, doing something I truly enjoy.  The top pic is the view from behind the counter.  There's another section of the gallery off the upper left.  The table with my soaps is above the baskets, just right of center.  It's a wonderful space, which used to be a livery stable, back in the day, and was restored beautifully.  Leftovers (some frozen) were taken for all my lunches, as well as water and tea. We were so thankful to finally get some measurable rain last week, a total of 2", which filled our tanks up 2/3 of the way.  We had been using our small "Plan B" tank for household use, as our two largest tanks were almost empty. That rain came just in the nick of time!  

This black eyed susan vine greeted me each morning at the gallery.  Though some of the vine had died back, the more protected portion was still covered with beautiful flowers.  During the week, J got the bag we collect bones in from the freezer, and put it in a pot on the woodstove, where it simmered for a few days.  I'll can up the broth and meat for the pups, after keeping a little out for them.  I had bought what was needed online, and J changed the oil and filter in my car on Thanksgiving.  J received the veteran's discount for items we purchased at Lowe's.  We stopped for a few groceries at Food Lion, and found a cart with amaryllis and paperwhites marked down to $4.99.  I noticed a few of them had ceramic pots, where most had plastic, and got one of each with the nicer pots.  One, possibly both of these will be used for gifts.  I'm very much looking forward to having time at home this week.  I hope this week will bring whatever brings you happiness.  


Laurie said...

It really is perfect! I enjoy meeting all the people, and get to work on my own things too. This was my first time there in '23. Hoping '24 gives me more days, but it's all good. We're so thankful for that rain, and glad you got some too!

Laurie said...

P.S. I'm so thankful we've met through our blogs!

April said...

Laurie: Wow!! The gallery is gorgeous and I intend to go back and explore it (Facebook!) after I finish this comment!

The handmade card from the friend using a portion of her great-grandmother's quilt was both heartwarming and thoughtful! I have tattered quilts from the past--and I am NOT a quilter; seeing this made me think "hmmmmn." (But knowing my track record--abysmal--for even simple crafting, I am not holding my breath.)

May your week be full of abundance!


Laurie said...

It is a gorgeous gallery. That bit of fabric from her great-grandmother's quilt is such a special and thoughtful gift. Though I've made two quilts, with a great deal of assistance, I wouldn't know where to begin to make one on my own. I just love all the stories within a quilt, especially those made using pieces of clothing.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

I'm so happy to hear you received rain. And that quilt ornament is so precious. What a great way to preserve quilts that are no longer in very good condition. I completely agree with you regarding the internet. I've been blessed to find some wonderful people to become "friends" with - so grateful for you!

The gallery looks like a beautiful place to work. And how nice that J was able to help out with the meals for the week. My J had to do that from time-to-time back when I worked outside of the home. I think an entire week would have stressed him out, but he managed a day here and a day there. Although it was probably very long days for you, I'm sure it was wonderful to not have to make dinner at the end of them.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Laurie said...

The rain was such a blessing. It was a marvelous use for an antique quilt, wasn't it? It's wonderful when the use of the internet brings goodness, such as friends like you.

I was so appreciative of J, and those meals. The day itself was not very tiring, but after commuting around 50 mins., in the dark and sometimes rain, coming home to him cooking was a real gift. When I was still nursing, close to 10 years ago now, I regularly commuted 1 hr 15 mins. to one of the offices I covered. I marvel at all I got done in those younger days.

Jeannie said...

I'm so glad you got rain too! I had completely given up on it ever raining again. My city friends never pay attention to the weather (unless it is going to snow) but here much depends on what happens.

I checked out the store on FB and was impressed by the quality of the crafts. It's a place where I could spend the afternoon enjoying everything.

What a busy week you have had!

Laurie said...

It really is a lovely gallery, with so much to see. I'm so glad we were both blessed with rain! Yes, my plans revolve around the weather here too. When I was a city girl, though, I'll admit I was fairly oblivious.