Monday, January 20, 2025

Cold Weather Tasks

Hello, friends.  The chickens have begun laying eggs again, giving us a few a week.  I found frozen wild blueberries for $2 off, at the grocery store, which I use daily in smoothies.  Another day, I shopped at Harris Teeter after an appointment, and received the 5% senior discount.   A large L-shaped tear in a pair of J's pants was mended with an iron-on patch, which was then reinforced with sewing.  During some especially cold days a few weeks ago, I noticed frigid air coming into the kitchen, below some doors which lead into non-heated space.  My ex built this corner of the house quite off-plumb, so for the doors to open across the floor as needed, they ended up being as much as an inch and a half above the floor when closed, which allowed a lot of air to move through.  I researched and bought door sweeps, to go on these doors, which J installed.  It's made a pretty significant difference.  When I checked one day, it was 50 degrees behind the doors, and 60 just in front of the sweep.

It looks like we've got some more frigid temps coming this week, as in much of the country.  We're to get nights in the low teens, though I've heard parts of the country are getting sub-zero temps.  Brrrr.  This time of year, I'm always looking for chores that create warmth.  Last week, I caught up on the ironing.  I'm thinking this week would be a good time to restock beans, so I'll be canning some up, after I review what we're out of or low on.  One cold day, soup was made, using our butternut squash, onions, garlic, broth and gifted shishito peppers.  Another day, our sweet potatoes, broth, onions and peas were used in a curry dish.  I met dear friends for dinner and a concert (Mon Rovia, which was excellent).  I was gifted with this lovely art, created by an Asheville artist.  Interestingly, I had read about her shortly after the hurricane, as someone who had bought one of the bird-painted leaves was looking to purchase more, to support her.  I will cherish it, and figure out just the right spot for it.  

Another bin of shreds was emptied into the chicken coop, which feels cozier with each addition.  A six gallon bucket is full of inoculated bio-char, and I've started refilling the ash can with fresh bio-char.  A batch of golden paste was made for the pups.  One evening, I dropped J off at the neighbors, so he could drive this skidder back to the shop to work on.  I was thinking the great-nephews and nieces would probably think that was pretty cool.  We've continued making good progress on the skoolie.  Much of it has been things like wiring, lights, and door and cabinet closures.  Nothing very photogenic, but we're finishing up a project, which I plan to post about this week.   Stay warm, friends.


daisy g said...

Love the new header! That sounds like a good investment with the door sweeps. It's the little things...
Your chooks will be nice and toasty through this cold snap.
I also try to get indoor projects done during this time of year.
Have a productive week and stay warm!

April said...

Daisy G beat me to it: love the news header!!! I always look forward to your photography; you have such a good eye!
We also are under a cold weather warning here in central Ohio. Brrrr. Staying inside as much as possible, which is pretty much 24 hours a day! I wrote out a blog post last night about the cold (to put in and up later today); I suspect a number of us out there will be writing about the cold! Stay warm!

Laurie said...

Isn't it the little things, though?! Enjoy your indoor projects, and have a blessed week.

Laurie said...

Ooooh, I bet you're colder there than here! If it wasn't for the chickens and pups, I expect there'd be days I wouldn't leave the house. Hope you have some good reading material. Stay cozy!

Leigh said...

"This time of year, I'm always looking for chores that create warmth." Good idea! Tonight I'm going to get my dehydrator going overnight to dry some winter squash for squash powder. Every little bit helps!

Winterizing the house helps too, like your door. The colder it gets the more drafts I discover.

Laurie said...

The dehydrator is a great idea! Yes, the cold really finds it's way through all the nooks and crannies, doesn't it?

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

The kitchen and entry room flooring in our old farmhouse are always very cold. When we have single digits or lower temps it's very noticeable but thankfully not so much once we get up into the teens and 20's. Happy you were able to find something to work for you. I love the cardinal painting! We had a couple of nights in the negatives, but it's been getting warmer since then and we're loving it! Not much for snow this year here, so far, but we do have a little 1/2 inch covering that has remained. I love seeing it! Stay warm!!