Monday, January 27, 2025

January Days

Hello, friends.  We actually received some snow last week.  Sadly, it fell after dark, so other than a couple of peeks out the front door, we didn't get to see it falling.  Only an inch, but we'll take it.  The bird feeders have been very busy, which required more suet to be made.  A batch of pinto beans was canned.  Two orders arrived leaking last week.  One contained dish soap, which made a real mess throughout the box of other items.  The box was punctured, but only one bottle was missing product, which they replaced.  The other was a case of 6 olives in glass jars, which was unsecured in a much larger box, and on its side.  Two of the jars lost their brine, and this was refunded, after a bit of perseverance.  Both of these leaks were due to poor packing of the orders, with no protection given to either. 

I forgot to mention that as part of winter preps for the chickens, we hung clear shower curtains around their screened porch area, which is where their food and water are.  It helps keep the wind off them at ground level, and keeps snow out, which they much prefer, and the area drier.  I picked the curtains up at Dollar Tree, and bought cup hooks online, which seem to hold them better in the wind than nails.  I secure them with wood and stones at the bottom.  I'd seen a "tip" online to place a bottle filled with brine solution in their waterer, to keep it from freezing.  As often happens with these tips, it was a failed experiment, at least when it's in the teens. J said he could see it making a few degrees difference, but that's all.  I'll try it again when nights are not quite as cold.  In the meantime, I'm chopping ice and bringing a teapot of hot water out through the day.

Though our tree had hardly dropped any needles, it was getting pretty dry, so we took it down.  This area is where I plan to set up the new grow light station J got me last birthday.  I'm still plugging away at taxes, and would love to have them squared away, before starting a new project.  I went through Swagbucks for two purchases, getting 4% and 16% cash back, which is pretty significant.  We've been managing well through the bitter cold, with only our drinking water line freezing.  We can just use the household water, to run through the Berkey until it's thawed, so it's small stuff indeed.  I feel for all those who have been greatly impacted by the weather.  

You may remember it was a goal of mine to grow enough peas that I had some to can, and was excited it became a reality last year.  Well, it turns out I don't love the home canned peas.  They're certainly edible, but seem to have a duller flavor than the store bought, and are a little mushier.  We'll eat what I've canned, but moving forward, I want to grow enough to eat fresh, but not preserve any. I wasn't a fan of them when I froze them either.  Growing our own food often seems like one big experiment.  Wishing you a beautiful week!


daisy g said...

So grateful for the warm up this week!
What a great idea about the shower curtain! I was thinking of adding something to the outside of the run to protect the chooks from the harshest winds in winter, but never thought of doing that. Thank you for the idea!

We found some replacement filters for our Berkey. I will let you know if they work out. They are made in Colorado and are supposed to be very close to the original Berkey filters.
Enjoy the sunshine this week! Mighty blessings your way...

Laurie said...

We've been thinking of trying the Boroux filters, as we figure we're getting pretty close to the 10K gallon mark. I'd love to hear how yours work. Yes to warmer days!

Jane said...

That's a great idea about the shower curtains for the chicken area. Ran likes to try a lot of those brilliant ideas he finds on-line. Most are duds. I always tease him about the "cutting the blueberries in half for dehydrating them" idea. Now he doesn't tell me about the ideas anymore. Yeah, canned peas are not good. If only they'd stay as pretty green at the end as they do going into the jar.


Laurie said...

I haven't heard about that blueberry "tip". I've dehydrated them, but certainly didn't cut them in half, lol. I guess we keep hoping one of those tips will actually work. I was pretty disappointed about the peas.

daisy g said...
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daisy g said...

Yes, the Boroux brand is what we’ve purchased.

April said...

"Growing our own food often seems like one big experiment." TRUE TRUE TRUE!!!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

It is so frustrating when things we order are damaged because they were packed so poorly. It's happened to us as well. I received a box of oils and fragrances and they were left loose in the box, all slamming into each other as they were loaded and unloaded from truck to truck. Well, by the time we got the box it was dripping with fractionated coconut oil and peppermint essential oil. It was a mess. The company wasn't the easiest to deal with to get it replaced but we eventually got there.

I agree with the others, love the shower curtain idea! Happy you received a little snow, even if it fell at night. Wishing you a wonderful week!

Andrea said...

It does sound "january-ish"! Good to know about the peas....thanks to you! I've had packages arrive just thrown into a box. Someone lacks common sense....and it's been from a couple different companies that I've experienced it. Beautiful woodpecker! andrea

Laurie said...

Isn't it, though?!

Laurie said...

That's even worse, when it's supplies you're needing for your business. I'm glad the company finally came through, though it does make me wonder if it's one I deal with. That little bit of snow made us happy.

Laurie said...

You do have to wonder who's packing these boxes, and what they're thinking. I was finally able to catch one of the wood peckers!

Jeannie said...

The worst packing job I have ever seen was for a clear pint sized baggie with a folded up lawnmower tire inner tube inside. It was the kind you see with a hole in the top of the bag and hanging on the open shelves at a hardware store. The packer had taken the clear baggie and just slapped an address label and stamp on the front then dropped it in the mailbox!

Everybody from here to the other side of the US saw what we bought.


Laurie said...

That's amazing it made it through the system!