Monday, February 5, 2024

Winter Sowing & Some Canning


Hello, friends.  On a lovely day last week, I wintersowed many flower seeds.  Some include bachelor buttons, hollyhocks, sunflowers, borage, zinnias and marigolds.  J planted onions, and worked up the soil, so I can plant peas this week.  Laundry was all dried on the line.  A number of stained items were treated with a stain remover soak.  It did a very good job on some, and some are being soaked again, to hopefully fully remove the stain.  A batch of suet was made for the birds.  The usual composting, saving warm up water, shredding paper and cardboard, collecting rainwater, and using homemade soap happened.  Homemade pizza crust and pizza sauce were pulled from the freezer, some veggies chopped, and a quick meal was enjoyed.  We enjoyed a lovely evening with several neighbors.   I brought veggies and hummus, made using home canned chickpeas and our garlic.  The leftover celery and carrots were chopped for a vegetable bean soup the next day, with our onions & garlic, home canned tomatoes, squash and cabbage.  Beans were canned.  First, was a mix of black-eyed and Iron & Clay peas.  Then I canned a batch of black beans.  One jar of peas didn't seal, and was added to our vegetable soup.  My sister has been wanting to learn to can.  Last year, she came to learn how to can tomatoes.  This coming week, she'll be learning to can dry beans.  I'm looking forward to her visit.  Wishing you a lovely week!


daisy g said...

Sounds like a lovely week of eating! How wonderful that you are teaching your sister to can. A lifelong skill that she will be able to teach others as well.

I need to get more flowers started with my winter sowing! It will be so fun to see the sunflowers germinating again.

Enjoy your week!

Laurie said...

Won't it be lovely to see flowers again?!

April said...

Love the photograph: you always capture the quiet moment of beauty.

Laurie said...

Thank you for always being so kind, April.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Your meals always sound so good. And I agree, it will be exciting to see flowers again! That's wonderful that your sister will be getting more canning lessons from you. Such a nice way to spend time together. I read your line about planting peas this week and thought how excited I will be when that time is here for us. April will be here before we know it! Wishing you a wonderful week!!

Laurie said...

Canning is so much nicer when shared. A niece is also interested, but she has two littles, so may not quite be ready to learn. Hoping to get those peas in the ground today!