Monday, February 19, 2024

A Few Blooms

Hello, friends.  I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day.  We decided to have a quiet evening at home this year.  J requested this pasta, and I picked greens from the garden for a winter salad.  As I had a few day's notice, I was able to dry several slices of GF bread, to make the bread crumbs for the pasta.  I saw mention of a goat farm in Vermont, who make chocolates and caramels with goats milk.  Since having Alpha-gal syndrome, J's realized he can tolerate goat's milk products, so I bought him some for Valentine's Day, which he's enjoying.  The farm was one impacted by the floods last year, and it felt good to support them.

Here's a link to some very cool photos that Patrice shared.  I really enjoyed them, and hope you do too.  Laundry was all dried on the line.  Golden paste was made for the pups.  A pot of sweet potatoes for the critters was simmered on the woodstove.  While in town for an appointment, and to make a soap delivery, I stopped at a favorite thrift store.  I found a large pottery planter for $15, a new roll of ribbon and nice piece of brown velvet for .25 ea.  I'm always looking for good deals on large planters, for repotting, and was happy to find these treasures.  

Quite a few of the wintersown seeds have germinated.  The daffodils and hellebores are blooming, with some of the snowbells starting.  I've been reading about an MM 28 day raw cleanse, and testimonials on how it has moved the needle on a number of people's health challenges.  I'm planning on starting it soon, and have been collecting suggested recipes I think I might like to eat during it.  The above pic is his Banana Lettuce Boats, which was really good.  My blender didn't get the date "caramel sauce" as creamy as it should be, so I'll try my Bullet the next time.  It tastes great, even if it turns out similarly.  A friend shared this beautiful song.  Wishing you a lovely week! 


daisy g said...

So glad the winter sowing is going well. Seeds just know what to do!

What a thoughtful gift you got for Joseph. I didn't realize he had Alpha-gal. You got some great bargains there. Thrifting is fun, as you never know what you'll find.

Yes, we have spring blooms popping up as well. Looks like most of the cold weather is behind us.

Enjoy your week my friend.

Laurie said...

It's been a few days since I've looked in on the winter sowing containers. Need to do that today. Thrifting is a treasure hunt, isn't it? I guess if it's not going to snow, then bring on spring!

April said...

We had 6+ inches of snow this weekend, the most in years, so the daffodil shoots (no buds yet) are buried. A few more days of sunshine and we may see them emerge!

Your banana boats photo made me smile!

Laurie said...

I envy that snow, lol! The daffodils are pretty fabulous though. I hope you see some soon.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

I'm trying to avoid it but I'm getting the spring itch. I can't wait to start working in my garden. It's currently still covered with a small bit of snow. When I was still eating dairy, we tried those goat milk caramels, and they were delicious! I hope you are receiving nice weather in your area.

Laurie said...

I guess I'll have to give up on snow this year. J said the caramels and chocolates were really good. Lots of rain in the forecast, but lots of days in the 60's, and even a couple of 70's, so I can't complain. We need our rainwater tanks to refill. Have a great week!

Jeannie said...

I'm glad J can eat goat's cheese. The past few months I have learned I could eat it in small amounts and it is wonderful to be able to have something cheesy again. Food allergies are not fun. Good luck with your detox. I'm sure it will help.


Laurie said...

J has quite a few food allergies, and with my sensitivities r/t eczema, it keeps it interesting. I expect, like you, he might not fare well if he had even the goat cheese on a regular basis. Day 7 of the cleanse today. So far, so good.