Monday, March 6, 2023

Small Steps & Little Things

Hello, friends.  We had some lovely days, mixed in with rainy ones last week.  Many plants are beginning to bloom.  I harvested thyme and oregano.  A few sprigs of thyme were steeped as tea, and the remaining herbs were dried.  A batch of hummus was made for lunches.  I got tired of my long hair, which reached my waist, so I've been cutting it bit by bit, and it's now about a foot shorter.  I'm enjoying it much more.  Four books were requested from the library.  The bedroom deep cleaning is finished.  J and I worked together, moving furniture and such.  I've been enjoying my homegrown tea blend of lemon balm, lemon verbena, nettles, and spearmint. 

This is a new little corner, created by the addition of the sewing room.  I think it'll be a nice spot to enjoy some meals on lovely days.  I used two of our butternut squash in soup, along with our onions and garlic.  On a day reaching into the 60's, I winter sowed 28 pots, using a combination of old potting soil mixed with new.  On Sunday, I could see the parsley starting to sprout up.  I redeemed Swagbucks points on a gift card, in time to get the equivalent of a $3 bonus.  When library books were picked up in town, I stopped for groceries.  The blueberries for my smoothies were $1 off/bag, and avocados were .89.  Nothing earth shattering, but every little bit helps.  Our holistic vet made his annual visit for the pups.  The only thing found was a small, reddened area on Guinness's gum, which may be some infection.  One of his suggestions was berberine, which we had in our supplies, so I'm giving it twice a day mixed in something good, and there's already a noticeable improvement.  


 When heading out the driveway on the day I went to town, I noticed asparagus up, in what is always our earliest patch.  It's in a sunny spot where it volunteered, probably with the help of some birds.  The next day, I harvested the first asparagus, as well as stinging nettles.  The nettles is drying, to be used for tea.  All laundry was dried on the line.  For a business purchase, I used a 20% coupon code, and went through Swagbucks for an additional 4%.  J prepped the garden area, and planted the onions.  He also did some weeding in the garlic bed and an asparagus bed.  I pruned some of the smaller fruit bushes and trees, and he got the larger trees.  We probably have another third to prune, but it feels good to be making progress.  I've begun going through tomato seeds, which I hope to start the coming week.  Is it time in your area to be planting seeds yet?


daisy g said...

Oh, isn't winter sowing the best? How exciting to see all those little sprouts coming up and knowing exactly when they are ready to do so. Nature is a wonder.

Congrats on cutting your hair. I am still loving having short hair, just takes so much less time.

Hope y'all stayed safe from that fierce wind a few days ago. The weather is ever changing.

Enjoy watching your germination!

Laurie said...

The fierce winds missed us! It was gusty at times, but not too strong. I agree about winter sowing. It's been the best way I've found to start many flowers.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

How wonderful that you cut your hair and like it and happy to hear the pup's gums have improved. We used to have a vet in our area that would make house visits but I'm not aware of any offering that service anymore.

That's great that you are gathering a bit of veg and herbs! We have to get rid of our snow before we can think about any harvests but with the sunny days expected this week, hopefully that will be soon. I'm excited to start seeds indoors and to start prepping the garden in the next few weeks.

Such a beautiful little spot you've created by the new sewing room. Do you have a nice view of the property from that space?

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Laurie said...

Ha! I just whacked my hair off, like I saw on Youtube some time back. Just bend over and comb my flipped hair, and cut across. I got pretty much as high as I could go that way. But I'm happy with it!

I saw you recently had more snow. I imagine at this point, you might be ready for spring weather. The view from our porch is a mix. There are trees around us, and some flower beds. We can see vehicles too, though they'll be less visible once things start leafing out.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

I did the same thing with my hair! I first tried to get my husband to cut it, but he was too scared to do so. I took the shears and away it went! Good old Youtube!! Then I even ordered thinning scissors and do that myself too! (my hair is super thick)

Laurie said...

I love you did that too! My hair is wavy/curly, and I figure if I make a mistake, no one will ever know :o).

Jeannie said...

I LOVE the new corner on the porch. It is perfect for morning coffee!


Laurie said...

Alas, no caffeine allowed these days, but we've enjoyed a glass of wine in the evenings.