Monday, March 20, 2023

Late Winter Days & A Gathering

Hello, friends.  I hope these late winter days have been good ones for you.  One morning, I saw this sweet one resting on the cat bowl on the porch.  Last week, I canned garbanzo beans and vegetable broth.  The majority of canning lids were reused, including some that were on their third round, and all sealed.  I'm not encouraging anyone to do this; only sharing my experience with it.  I made golden paste for the pups and suet for the birds.  For a dinner, I made our roasted green beans with baked potatoes and sauteed garlicky spinach.  Another night, I roasted our first asparagus with roasted brussels sprouts and sweet potato fries.  The first of our tomato seeds are starting to sprout, with 11 up, as of Sunday morning.  I harvested lettuce and broccoli, some of which was used in a peanut noodle dish, and  J harvested a cabbage.

I stopped at Hallmark after a nearby appointment, and picked up a few cards, along with my free card.  At the grocery store, grape tomatoes were .50 off, oranges were $1 off a bag, coconut milk was 2/$4, brussels sprouts were $1.99 off, and I received the 5% senior discount on my total order.  I was then able to pick up evaporated milk at Dollar Tree, and the cat treats our kitty especially likes.  Laundry was dried on the clothesline.  J had requested beets from the grocery store.  I'll roast them another night, but first cut the greens and sauteed them with lambs quarter I had frozen, to have with black bean burgers and home fries.  Another grocery stop, I got avocados for .79 ea.  Several books were requested from the library.  Some of our frozen figs were added to oatmeal.

All that recent deep cleaning was inspired by a family gathering, which was held here on Saturday.  It's always an encouragement to clean, when I know there are a lot of people who'll be visiting, lol.  There were 16 of us, a mix of mine and Joseph's families.  Though it was chilly, the sun was shining, the little ones were excited by the chickens and gathering eggs, we gave tours of the various goings on here to whomever asked, and we ate well.  I sent the littles home with a dozen eggs, and leftovers home with a couple of others.  I cut a few redbud branches for my sister to try and root.  It was a lovely day.  St. Patrick's Day marked 16 years since J and I's first date.  It was nice to have a gathering of our loved ones to celebrate.  I plan to take a well-deserved rest Sunday evening, and will get this post up Monday.  Wishing you a Happy Spring, friends!


daisy g said...

Sounds like a well-rounded weekend.

Happy Spring, Laurie!

Laurie said...

I hope your week was a good one!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Wow - 16 people and 16 years! So nice to be able to celebrate with family - what a wonderful day you must have had. It's nice that you took time for yourself after a productive week and busy Saturday! It sounds like spring has truly arrived in your area. So happy you're garden is producing! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

April said...

And happy first day of Spring to you too! Your comment about cleaning the house because you were having family over made me laugh; a friend and I recently, setting a date to gather for dinner, discussed whose house it would be at, with my friend saying if we came to their house, she would have a reason to actually think about cleaning. I agreed. (We are meeting at our house.)

BLD in MT said...

Happy spring to you! Hooray for gatherings with family!!! How lovely. Congrats on the 16 years!!! Here's to the next 16!

Last year Matt and I started re-using canning lids. I know that Ball says it is a no-no...but one of my trusted, older-and-wiser friends said she'd been doing it for years. Sooooooo, last year we tried it! We had only positive results so we shall do it again this year.

Laurie said...

I hadn't realized about 16 people and 16 years. Seems appropriate!

Yea, my house rarely feels company ready to me. The nice thing about spacing out visitors over the past few weeks has meant it's stayed clean and neat, which has felt really nice. Oh, if it could always be that way :o).

I'm glad to hear you're finding the same results with reused lids. My husband has a pretty low tolerance for social events, so it's been really nice to have all the guests these last few weeks. I like to think I'm helping him grow that edge :o).

Jeannie said...

I mentioned to my husband last week that we needed to have company over so I would clean the house. However, when I go to someone else's house, I never see the dirt or imperfections. It isn't important.

Laurie said...

I'm the same... don't notice or care at other's homes, and in the day to day here, I don't notice much of it, but still feel much better having it good and clean for guests, and really for myself, so it's worth all the work.