First cucumbers and squash were picked from the garden this morning. Both Asian and pickling cucumbers, and yellow and patty pan squash. There were also lambs quarters, chard, and a precious few raspberries and blackberries in my basket. Garlic has been harvested, and is drying. The onions will soon follow suit. Our last Americauna left us Friday. No obvious cause, so we're wondering if it was just the heat that got her. I will miss her, our littlest hen, and her blue eggs that always looked so festive among the various shades of brown.
4 hours ago
Sorry to hear about your little hen, it's always sad to lose a pet.
Your flowers are very cheerful! I read recently that Daylilies are edible, have you ever tried them?
I haven't, Catherine. Seems I may have read they're mucilagenous- not my favorite texture :o) Thank you for your kind words. awesome Laurie..soudns like you are enjoy your harvest already! My garden is only beginning( here is cold Canada). I am looking forwrad to my zucchinni blooms/flowers and mnay other goodies. I love the second photo wow..gorgeous! Aww..your sweet littlelest hen..hugs and hugs...sorry to hear about your loss. Wishing you a wonderful summer !
PS :thankyou for always leaving a kind word..
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