Hello, friends. Slowly, there are little signs of spring appearing. Many trees are starting to bud out. It seems we got through last week's teens without any obvious damage. Before the frigid spell, I did some winter sowing.in various containers. The seeds I chose this year were four o'clock's, sunflowers, calendula, lupines, borage, forget-me-nots, rudbeckia, hollyhocks, bachelor buttons, milkweed, cosmos, orach, phacelia, rose campion, mullein, tansy, nasturtiums, red carthamus, evening primrose, black haw, and black-eyed susan vine. I already had all these seeds, without buying any this year, and decided it was silly not to plant them. Here's hoping for good germination. An online food and supplement purchase was made with a 15% off coupon, and I went through Swagbucks, which gave me an additional 5% cash back.
We were happy to get some snow. On Tuesday, it was a very fine snow, which some call hominy snow. On Wednesday, there was a very pretty snow, with bigger flakes. Even so, we believe we got less than an inch. J requested chili for a dinner. I haven't been a great fan of chili, but as it had been a while, I did make some. Turns out I'm still not a fan. It's funny, because the flavors and ingredients are not that different from the sloppy joes I make, but something about it has never appealed. All laundry was dried on the line. I put the sheets right back on the bed, which always smells so good. J planted onions, and prepped an area for me to plant peas.

On Friday, I was able to spend the afternoon with my sister. We of course went thrifting. At the first store, I found a vintage pillowcase with crocheted edge, sewing supplies, and two types of velvet ribbon for under $4. Our next stop was the Goodwill bins, where I found Smartwool socks, a Cherokee tie-dyed cardigan in like-new condition, two ribbons, and a small vintage linen for $1.92. We then headed to my co-op, which was nearby, to enjoy a beverage, and sit and catch up a bit. During the week I canned garbanzo beans, pints this time, and made golden paste for the pups.

For Valentine's Day, J had ordered two dozen roses to be delivered through Amazon. When they arrived, there were only a dozen. When he spoke to them, they tried to get him to agree to a 20% refund, which he said didn't seem fair, when half the product was missing. They came back, and asked if he would like them redelivered correctly. He agreed to that, so another delivery of flowers arrived on Wednesday. How blessed am I? I hope you're finding things that bring you hope and peace, in these very interesting times.