Friday, November 29, 2024

Bucket List Express

Hello, friends.  Joseph came up with a name for the bus, and hired a local man to paint it, on the front visor.  He removed a fuel line, and had three new hoses made, one for that line, and two for the new transmission cooler.  He changed the fuel filters, and replaced the priming pump.  

I assisted Joseph in connecting and purging the lines for the mini split.  He completed the wiring, so it should now be operational, which we'll be testing soon.  He put protective covering on the water lines, as well as more support.  He connected the drinking water tank line to the faucet, which is the last of the plumbing.  The punch list is getting shorter all the time!


daisy g said...

Oh my goodness! That sign is superb! Thanks to your teamwork, you’re getting closer every day! Well done!

Laurie said...

It's beginning to seem like a real possibility!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

I LOVE it! And congrats on more to-do's checked off of the list!

Laurie said...

He's rocking that to-do list!

Andrea said...

Nice sign! And a lot of work accomplished. Can't wait to see your future trips in it. andrea

Laurie said...

Thanks, Andrea! Me too!