Monday, July 8, 2024

Garden Harvest & Interesting Times

Hello, friends.  I made no notes this week, so I'll see what I can remember.  Cucumbers, blueberries, two cabbages, a few blackberries, and basil were harvested.  A cabbage, onions and garlic were shared with my massage therapist.  The other cabbage was made into two slaws for J & I.  Onions were shared with a neighbor.  Cucumber salad was made.  Some blueberries were frozen, and some were eaten in a fruit salad.  Basil trimmings were made into pesto, and frozen.  Hummingbird food was made.  A double batch of cashew parmesan was made, in anticipation of making pesto.  Books and movies were picked up from the library.  


J & I finally got cages on almost all the tomatoes.  I mulched them, after he & I weeded them.  J also hoed some other parts of the garden for weed control.  The Japanese beetles remain minimal.  They and the tomato hornworms were fed to the chickens.  The deer found our kiwi vines.  At last look, it appeared that they ate all but one of the kiwi fruits.  It's been so dry, I can't blame beings for trying to find moisture wherever they can.  We've had a real challenge with wasps and yellow jackets at the hummingbird feeders, as well as wasps taking up residence inside the bottom of our storm door.  Both McNibs and I were stung, on different days, before J took care of them.  This is the waspiest place either of us has known.  We've been noticing deer in view of our house in the afternoons, something we've not seen before.  They've been munching grass near one of our asparagus beds.  Thankfully, they're no longer tender, so they're leaving them alone.

Though we had a weekend of rain in the forecast, as I started typing this Sunday evening, it hadn't panned out.  We received one shower Saturday evening, but not enough to register in the rain gauge.  We've had to go back on well water in the house.  However, I'm thankful I had to update this, as by the time we went to bed, we had gotten at least 1/2". Hallelujah!   A challenge this week was realizing on Friday that my debit card had been compromised, and there were six fraudulent charges on my account.  I'd stopped at Dollar Tree and two grocery stores on the way home from an appointment on the 4th, so expect someone "read" my card, at one of those places.  As soon as I get my new card Monday, I'll be ordering one of the RFID blocking wallets, to keep it safe in the future.  It's sad that so much of that goes on these days.  Despite the challenges, I believe these are interesting times to be alive, and I'm thankful to be here.  May your week be a good one.


daisy g said...

I think you did a great job recalling your week! The sweet rudebekia on your header is lovely.
Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with stinging insects. Those yellow jackets can be fierce! What do you use to take the sting out? I know aloe vera helps, but was wondering if you use something else.

That is too bad about your debit card. Glad you found the problem right away. Most people are good, but there are a few who make life a bit more challenging.

I need to find that cashew parm recipe. I use nutritional yeast in my pesto, but would like to try something else. Cashews can make so many good things!

Glad you got some rain. We've been blessed with ample the last two days, with more in the forecast. Hope you get some too!

Peace & mighty blessings...

Andrea said...

HI! Glad you got some rain. We are still waiting for rain. In our last house in Pennsylvania, deer were a huge problem. Right before we moved in May, we had a lot of 20 degree nights that froze a lot of the new forest growth. The deer ate everything in my yard, including daffodils which supposedly are poisonous to them. Sorry about your debit card! In the past month, two dollar trees here in lower Delaware have had skimmers found on the checkouts. They are telling anyone who shopped to check their accounts. andrea

Andrea said... was the Dollar General in Delaware. Two of them in two different towns had skimmers recently. andrea

Laurie said...

Thanks, Daisy. For the wasp sting, I used a recipe from The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood: "Being alkaline, it helps if wasp stings are treated with cider or wine vinegar: into 1 tsp put 2 drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oil, mix well and dab onto area three times a day". Aren't cashews wonderful?!

Ah, so it could have been skimmers at Dollar Tree then. Sheesh. I think I'll still get one of those wallets, to cover that aspect. The deer are getting braver each year here. I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that there is less hunting on the surrounding land than when I first moved here years ago.

Michèle Hastings said...

The rain was wonderful last night! I am hoping for more this week. We have had very few Japanese beetles this year too. I am hoping the cycle for them is over and that we get a break from them for many years.

April said...

Oh no as to your card being compromised. Besides the personal shock, it's the hassle of taking care of the mess. Good luck.

Laurie said...

Michele, we've got our hopes high for rain this week too. We could use lots more, though everything seems to be breathing a sigh of relief. A break from Japanese beetles would be wonderful.

April, I'm thankful it didn't come at a time when I was on the brink, and those fraudulent debits made the difference of being able to pay a bill or not. It may be next week before it's all resolved, but thankful I caught it quickly.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Hooray for the rain. And the wonderful harvest!! I am keeping my fingers crossed regarding my cabbages. It seems like every bug and varmint seems to like cabbage. I'm hopeful you'll receive more rain soon.

Gosh, that stinks about your debit card and the wasps. Thank you for mentioning the wallet. I've been meaning to purchase one and am going to do so. Might as well do what we can to protect ourselves. Our cards have been compromised too many times to count at this point and identities stolen once for each of us. So frustrating that this is the time we live in.

Pesto with cashew parm sounds delicious! Hoping you have a wonderful week.

Laurie said...

I hope you'll get some nice cabbages, despite the varmints. J's business card gets compromised on a regular basis. Thankfully, our personal cards have been rare. Having your identity stolen sounds like a real nightmare. It is frustrating that so many fellow humans see ripping people off as a viable lifestyle. Our light is needed now more than ever. Keep shining!

Jeannie said...

Try spraying your hummingbird feeder with Pam oil. The wasps slip off. Well, so do the hummingbirds when they land the first time but they adapt. My neighbor had bee hives and they would swarm my feeders.


Laurie said...

Huh, I may try the cooking spray. Good idea! When I see them on it, I've been spraying them with water with a little soap in it, and they fly off.