Monday, January 23, 2023

January Blooms

Hello, friends.  Though it's still two months until spring, it's been really nice to begin seeing signs of it on the way.  I went around the house and tackled all the cobwebs.  Though it hurt my feelings to do so, I defrosted my two remaining beloved Field Roast plant based frankfurters, to give to the dogs, as the first ingredient after water is vital wheat gluten.  They also include other "no foods", such as natural flavors and ACV.  I'd hung on to them, thinking that I'd be able to cheat now and then after my eczema was fully healed, but I'm not there yet, so it's time to let them go.  I intend to go through the cheese in the freezer, of which I have quite a stash, and relegate at least some of it to the pups and chickens.  

Joseph was offered the lower limbs of a massive white oak, by neighbors who know we heat with wood, as they're unable to work around it with their tractor.  We're very thankful to get it.  I did help unload some, but he has done all the real work.  I'm very thankful for a hard working husband too!  He requested a dinner of our canned green beans and potatoes, with lots of garlic, so that was made one night.  A different meal was lentil sloppy joes, fried sweet potatoes and salad.  Another used our cabbage in colcannon, along with our lima beans.  My sister and I had a thrift day on Wednesday.  Favorite finds were a  .49 handblown clear and cobalt glass tumbler, $2 Krups coffee grinder (ours was thrifted years ago & had recently died), $4 lovely hand hooked rug, $3 canister for my shop, $1 like new steel sink drainer (ours had begun rusting), and $8 huge wicker laundry basket.

The pups and I continue to enjoy our daily walks as the weather allows.  After an appointment, I stopped by Harris Teeter for groceries, getting 5% off the total for senior's day, and picked up lentils 1#/$1.25 at Dollar Tree.  Now that I've checked prices elsewhere, I'm sorry I didn't pick up more than one bag of lentils.  I'll keep a look out for them.  On Sunday afternoon, I put another 4 gallons of veggie scraps on the woodstove to simmer, to be turned into broth this week.  I'm slowly gathering all the info needed for filing taxes, and J and I filled out the various county tax forms that needed to go back.  I added all three forms to the same envelope, saving two stamps, after confirming it was under an ounce.  We're getting some nice rain, which is filling our tanks.  I'm hoping to get some soap wrapping and more house cleaning done this week.  Stay cozy out there.


daisy g said...

Sounds like a productive weekend, as usual. What a gift of all that wood! That should keep you toasty for a while.

I made veggie broth yesterday in the crockpot. About how many cups of veggie scraps and water do you use for your broth? I'm seeing a functional medicine doctor tomorrow, and I'm curious if she will advise going back on bone broth.

This rain sure has been a blessing! The plants should be soaking it right up! How 'bout that? Signs of spring in January! Go figure.

Enjoy a peaceful week.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Well, that is a bummer about the field roast frankfurter and assorted cheese! For me, I've had to accept there are some foods I'll never be able to eat again. Although I don't have skin issues, I get a really bad headache and I just don't feel good if I do eat them.

Such a blessing on the wood and the hard-working husband. Some delicious sounding meals and great deals at the thrift stores!

It's so funny to see flowers in January. I'm originally from Washington State (north of Seattle) and its very mild there so flowers are beginning to bloom in January as well. I haven't seen that in about 25 years!

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Laurie said...

I just cover all the scraps I can fit in the pot with water. Usually after they simmer for a day or so, I strain out the scraps, and let it simmer more without a lid, to concentrate further. That's not necessary, but uses less jars, and also has a more robust flavor. I hope you get great support from your doctor, with information that will help your health journey.

Yes, I'm slowly starting to think I may never be able to eat some favorite foods again too. Going back to the way my skin was isn't an option, so I guess I'll continue moving forward on this path. Your snow is so beautiful. We don't get it like we did years ago, but at least we haven't had an ice storm this winter. So, there's that. I'm thankful for flowers in January.

April said...

LOOK at your blooms! We got about 4" of snow yesterday and more is predicted later this week, so it will still be a bit longer before we see any concerted effort in the blooms. So I will enjoy your blossoms while I wait!

Jeannie said...

It is a disappointment that you had to throw out things you love. Food allergies are difficult but you are doing the right thing. I hope you will continue to heal and can eventually eat some of your favorites again.

Last week I threw out boxes of cake, brownie, and biscuit mixes. We recently learned the government changed the wording on food labels and the word "bioengineered" is being used for "GMO". I have been going through my cabinets tossing things. Wasting food irritates me.


Laurie said...

I also recently learned about the bioengineered wording, which seems less noticeable on a label than GMO to me. Yes, it really doesn't seem the time to waste food, does it!