Friday, August 2, 2024

Seat Belts & Tank Progress

Hello, friends.  Joseph has been hard at work on the skoolie, any chance he gets, which is hard this time of year, with gardening, mowing, and plenty of paid work.  I can't remember if I told you he got my seat mounted.  He now has installed our seatbelts.  

He's hooked up our tank meter, which lets us know the levels in our fresh water, gray and black tanks.

It turns out the plastic black and gray water tanks he got off the salvaged RV won't work, in size or configuration, so he set to work fabricating what we need.  He designed it as one divided tank, as large as possible to still fit into the space, which will buy us a little time while on the road.  We've come to the realization we won't be ready to attend the Fall Skoolie Swarm in late September, as we'd hoped, so we've scheduled a few days away instead.  Once we're up and running, we plan to make up for our missed vacations, with plenty of adventures.


Andrea said...

Well that's pretty ingenious to make your own (your husband making his own) tanks. And the meter to measure the tanks. Enjoy your adventures! andrea

Laurie said...

They've made so many tanks in his business, it was right up his alley. I'm looking forward to those adventures, when they finally get here!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Wow - he's definitely the man for the job of renovating your skoolie! Too bad about not going on an adventure yet but so much to look forward to.

daisy g said...

What an inventive pair you are! So much creativity in one family! Could you do a day trip to the skoolie event, or is it too far away? I'm sure there will be others, and you'll be ready!

Laurie said...

Yup, he is the perfect man for this build! Definitely looking forward.

I suggested we go, either with the partial build or another way, but it's in upstate NY, and he doesn't want to. I can understand wanting to take a maiden voyage or two, before a long road trip, so am trying to be patient :o).