Friday, March 8, 2024

Our Skoolie Trap Door

Last week, Joseph fabricated a trap door for the stairwell.  As he moved the door to the middle of the bus, and it's almost directly across from the bathroom, we felt it would be much safer for us and the dogs, if the hole was covered over while we're travelling, and when we don't need outdoor access, such as at night.  He mounted a strong magnet on the end of the armoire, which will hold the door in place, when not in use.  Someone mentioned it might be a good place to store our shoes, when we take them off, which sounds like a good idea.  

He also found a CB radio on Marketplace, and fabricated a bracket to mount it.  He's working on another mount for the audio system, which includes GPS navigation, DVD player, and backup camera.  Onward!


daisy g said...

How cool is that trap door?! And to use it for shoe storage is brilliant! Go Joseph!

Laurie said...

It really is a good idea, isn't it?!

Michèle Hastings said...

The trap door was a great idea! A backup a camera will be very helpful. I could have used one when we traveled in our bus.

Laurie said...

I can only imagine how helpful a backup camera would be on such a long vehicle.