Monday, March 22, 2010

Old and New

J & I had lots of fun at the wedding Saturday. Not only did we do the tarantella, but followed that up with playing kazoos to "When the Saints Go Marching In". Well... now you may have a good idea where I get some of my silliness from. J agreed it was unlike any other wedding he'd been to. It was an absolutely gorgeous day; a picture perfect first day of spring.

Soon after snapping those first photos of the chicks, I reacquainted myself with chick care by reading the awesome Carla Emory's Encyclopedia of Country Living. I replaced the straw with burlap, which helps to prevent spraddle legs. And gathered my oats, wheat berries & corn to grind. I've started incorporating the grains, along with finely chopped chickweed and plantain into their starter feed. The storebought feed is laced with antibiotics, and I like to transition them to a more natural diet as soon as possible.

The daffodils are from an old homestead that borders my land. There's not much left of the homestead, other than what appears to be parts of some animal housing, and a swath of these daffodils. After getting permission, I dug up a few to relocate here. I believe you would call these doubles, with all the extra petals. Correct me if I'm mistaken on that. I've been watching, and over the past few days, my pulmonaria has come up, and even has what looks like little flower buds forming! I celebrated by feeding it with a good dollop of compost yesterday. It's pretty tiny, but I'm hoping I can encourage it into a beautiful plant. Wishing you happy plant surprises this Monday morning!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Beautiful post! Lovely striking uplifting! And is nice to meet somone else who has played a kazoo!! Rock on!!