Monday, June 24, 2024

Homestead Woes & Blessings

Hello, friends.  Last week, I placed an online order for some needed things, using a coupon code for 20% off, and went through Swagbucks for another 10% cash back.  They then sent a 25% off code, and I placed a food order, again going through Swagbucks for the additional 10%.  It's hard to beat 35% off these days.  Gas prices were $3.39 close to where I was working, but I was happy to fill up for $3.03, closer to home.  I thought the high prices may be due to the US Open, but the following week, the prices remained the same.  We are in serious need of rain, with none forecast soon.  I hope we won't run out of rainwater, but it's a likely possibility.  I've not had luck growing black-eyed susan vine from seed, but there were dozens of little volunteers, where I was working, so I brought home a few to try.  They seem very happy to be out of the gravel, and are already making flower buds, so I'm hopeful.  The above photo is at my workplace.

While working away from home this week, dinners were simple.  One night, I opened jars of our green beans and small potatoes, and sauteed them with garlic.  One of our beets went into apple beet salad, for a side.  Jasmine rice with home canned black beans and salsa were another dinner.  Pasta two ways on other nights, with salads, and previously made black bean burgers another night.  Nothing much has gotten done on the homestead, other than a few minutes of chicken chores, watering plants, and small harvests morning and evening.  I'm thankful for the work, but will be very happy to spend more time here, outdoors and in,  this coming week.  It does look like we're going to have some scorchers, with 97 in the forecast last I heard, so it may still be mostly early morning and late evening outdoors for the most part.

One morning, I found our freezer door open again.  We both feel we're being mindful about closing it, and are wondering if it's somehow opening on it's own, as each time, it's been when it's pretty full.  Sigh.  J is thinking about adding a bungee cord.  Just after finally sitting down Friday, after finishing dinner and outdoor evening chores, a strange noise came from the bathroom.  Running there, I found water pouring out from behind the vanity.  Thankfully, J was there, and got the shut-off valve closed.  Apparently, the hose to our faucet deteriorated and blew out, and is not fixable.  Sigh.  This is the second bathroom faucet that has fallen apart from deterioration (entirely different faucets), in the almost 16 years we've lived there.  We have the oddest water challenges.  

While I was gone at work, J harvested our onions and garlic, which are both curing in my carport.  On Sunday, my first day at home, J dug our potatoes, and we pulled them from the vines, and piled them in a shadier spot, to cure a day or two.  Early in the morning, to beat the heat, I watered a few things, then harvested chard, basil, cucumbers, purslane and the first eggplant.  I turned the basil and purslane into pesto for J, as I'm getting ready to start another cleanse.  Cucumbers were made into spicy cucumber chips, a favorite summertime side dish.  I steamed almost all of the store bought potatoes, some for potato salad, as we'll soon be enjoying our own.  The potatoes look the best they have in many years.  I only noticed a bug hole in one potato, which is amazing, compared to past harvests.  Wishing you a lovely week, and stay cool out there.


daisy g said...

Ugh. Glad J was home and able to get the faucet situation resolved. It's always something, isn't it?
Your potato and onion harvest looks great! Lots of great meals for you to enjoy soon.

You got a good deal on gas. Here, we are averaging around $3.10-3.25. Funny how it varies depending on which part of town you're in.

Hope we get some rain this week. Thursday looks like a possibility! Start dancing!

Laurie said...

Yes, a rain dance is in order!! The new faucet may take a couple of weeks to arrive, but we do have cold water at that sink in the meantime.

I was working in another county, 45 mins. away, but was surprised how much difference there was in gas prices. Hope you'll be dancing for rain too!

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

So sorry to read about the faucet and the lack of rain. We just received a few days of a LOT of rain. I wish it had come from the South instead of the West so that you would have received it as well. Happy J was home when the faucet went.

What kind of dressing (if any) do you use on your apple and beet salad? That sounds so good. Usually I do oranges and beets - I hadn't thought of apples.

We have the same issue with gas prices here. Thankfully, the cheapest in this area are close to us, which is very handy. We are higher than your prices, unfortunately, at $3.50 currently. That's lower than it's been. Our taxes in this state are incredibly high.

Your harvests look great! And you've got an eggplant - wow! I planted 3 eggplant starts and they aren't doing so well so I will be happy, at this point, if I get one for the season!

Have a wonderful week!!

Laurie said...

The apple beet salad is an oldie, from the Helen Nearing book, Simple Food for the Good Life. It's dressed with honey and lemon juice. You're also supposed to add olive oil, which I stopped doing a few years ago, and don't notice it. It uses raw, grated beets and apples. Now you've got me interested in orange beet salad. I'd love to hear about it.

I just came back from town, and gas prices there are $3.35 & $3.39 today. The station I bought it from the other day is in the other direction, so not sure if it went up too. I expect they may all, with the 4th coming up.

We grow the asian eggplants, and they seem to be ready quicker than Italian type. It's HOT here... 97 today. Need to get out there and do that rain dance Daisy suggested!

Andrea said...

Beautiful harvests! Sorry about your freezer. Bungee cords are handy! It's very hot here too. And we need rain. Hopefully soon we'll get a storm. andrea

Laurie said...

Bungee cords are a lot like duct tape! I hope you get rain soon.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Thank you, Laurie. That's the same that I use for the orange and beet salad! Lemon juice or balsamic vinegar and honey. I use greens (love arugula), sliced roasted or steamed beets, orange sections and the dressing. Lately I've been adding "goat cheese" vegan cheese by TreeLine - pricey but very clean ingredients (and no oil!) and very good. Even my dairy cheese loving husband likes it. lol And I've also added chopped walnuts or pistachios from time-to-time. It's so refreshing. I'll definitely try the apple and beet version, especially with raw beets. That sounds delicious!

I have a couple of Helen's books, but I don't think I've ever seen that one.

Yes, with the 4th coming I'm sure gas will go up. We had upper 90's to 100's last week but have cooled down considerably for this week. Happy about that. Hoping for rain for you!!

Laurie said...

That salad sounds delicious! I'll have to check out the goat cheese, and see if it's available here. I love those types of salads... greens, fruits, nuts, cheese. Yum!

Jeannie said...

What a fantastic potato and onion harvest! I envy the drying spot you have available. Mine is right on the front porch where everyone sees the mess. This year I threw a tarp over the onions when it rained (once) this month. They didn't store long last year and I am wondering if they got wet.

We really need rain too and I am tired of these constant upper 90's days! Just one good, slow steady rain is what I want.


Laurie said...

I am so with you in wishing for rain! Besides us, it's really hurting the farmers in this state. Fingers crossed we get some tonight.