Friday, June 14, 2024

Setting Up the Solar Panels on the Skoolie


Since last week, Joseph has worked on fabricating the infrastructure for our solar panels, and installing them on the top of the bus.  Since I took the pic below, all five panels are up.  As usual, he did the vast majority of work.  I helped move materials around a bit.

He's welded the metal stringers that will be holding the panels in place, and will add rivets, two per each side of panel. Then mounting the panels will be done. Electrical connections will be made soon.  The remaining roof space, an approximately 8' X 8" area, will become our luggage rack/deck.  He's already scoped out some bald cypress wood, which should work great for this application.


daisy g said...

How great to have the sun working for you! And the view from up there will no doubt be fabulous!

Laurie said...

I look forward to watching sunsets, and maybe sunrises, from that perch!