Friday, September 8, 2023

Skoolie Kitchen & Bathroom Progress


We recently figured out the kitchen layout.  I originally wanted an L shape, with the stove turned, but we realized the oven couldn't go far enough past the cabinets to allow the oven door to open, without being too far into the walkway, so they'll be in a line instead.  The sink will be placed so I can look out the window.  In every place I've lived as an adult, I've had a window at the kitchen sink, which I feel is one of life's little pleasures.  So much time is spent there, how much nicer it is to look out at nature, rather than have to stare at a wall.  The refrigerator and our dining table will be across on the other side of the bus. 

Here's a view of the bathroom.  The foreground will be the shower.  It will be flush with the driver's side, and the corner in the middle of the photo will be a storage area.  The sink will be to the right of the toilet.  You can just see the hole he cut out for the fan, in the upper middle.  Joseph has done more framing, put up more insulation in the ceiling and walls, and has been changing out some hoses with much higher quality ones, as well as adding in some stainless steel pipe.  I spent time cleaning up and vacuuming.  We're moving right along.


Andrea said...

Now that's progress! Very nice! I agree...I love a window by the kitchen sink (which I don't have now, but I used to!) andrea

Laurie said...

Thanks, Andrea. A window makes it so much more enjoyable.

Mrs. Mac said...

What a fun project to follow along with - will be a great home away from home.

Laurie said...

We're hoping to make a comfortable space for us to adventure.

Staci @Life At Cobble Hill Farm said...

Moving right along indeed! I completely agree about the kitchen window - I've always had one as well and couldn't imagine not being able to look out while doing dishes.
It looks fantastic!

Laurie said...

It's the little things!

daisy g said...

Wow, I can’t believe the quick progress you’re making. Our kitchen window looks out into our wooded backyard. Great for bird and squirrel watching!
The clean up crew is essential to any project. Soldier on!

Laurie said...

That sounds like a wonderful view!