Monday, March 17, 2025

Under The Weather

Hello, friends.  We have both been down with the flu, so this will be a short post.  J got sick on Sunday, and I came down with a milder version Monday evening.  It's been up and down, but we're both on the upswing.  I'm very saddened to have had to cancel attending a concert with friends, which I've been looking forward to for months.  Ah well, this too shall pass.  I did try a grocery pick up, for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was.  I prefer picking out my own produce, as there are significant variations in size and quality.  For example, the celery I got ranged from 1 lb 3 oz to 1 lb 13 oz, which is significant, when you buy as many as I do (to juice).  But to keep everyone safe, this worked well, and I'm thankful for the option.  Kind neighbors also brought us groceries.  J asked if they could pick up bananas, if still in town, and they ended up bringing us three bags of things, mostly fluids.  The bananas were the only thing he felt he could eat that evening, and he'd already eaten all we had.  We're blessed to have such good neighbors.

Several days, I managed to work on my inbox, and cleaned it up significantly.  Much of it was recipes to print, things to read or watch, or something kept as a reference, or for another reason.  One was sent by J in '22, a home canning water-level measuring stick.  This would be really useful, and I intend to make myself one.  In garden news, potatoes and peas are coming up.  The indoor grow stand was rather neglected for a few days, but most is doing OK.  The greenest pot in the photo is from the pepper core I planted.  The rest are all tomatoes; the Amish tomatoes are in the round pots.  Separating seedlings is on my to do list.  That's it for now.  Stay healthy out there.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!


daisy g said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that y'all aren't feeling your best. No doubt you know what herbs and such to take to ease your symptoms.
So thankful that you have neighbors you can count on in times like these.
Your garden starts are looking good! You will be well rested when you begin the gardening season.
Sending healing energy your way. Take care.

Andrea said...

I hope you both get well soon! Bananas is something I need to pick up more than once a week. Such good neighbors! I agree, I want to pick out my own. Same with green peppers...if they are one price per each, might as well get the largest ones in the group! Thanks, I bookmarked that page with the measuring stick...looks like a good site to spend time reading too. I thought I had the flu, but the dr did a 24 hour test for 2 types of flu, covid and something else and I had nothing that was going around! So I don't know what I had. get well! andrea

Laurie said...

Thanks, Daisy. For sure, I've been taking lots of supplements, and using alternative treatments. Those pepper seedlings blow me away, with their life force!

Laurie said...

We didn't get tested, but it acted just like flu. Who knows? Glad you're over it! I'm glad the article was helpful.

Leigh said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick - never fun! You're seedlings look happy though.

April said...

Oh my! Grateful you are on the upswing!