Friday, January 18, 2013

No Snow Day

Well, the snow last night was a bust.  We did get to enjoy flurries for about an hour, but nothing really stuck, other than bits on cushions and steps.  If not a snow day, at least it's a gloriously sunny morning.

The pond continues to fill up.  It's about at the 9 ft. mark now.

The house has gotten some straightening and cleaning.  Plenty more to do there.  We're getting greens from the garden, so I've been looking for new recipes to try.  This is a collard recipe we've been enjoying.  A  friend shared a greens soup from The Splendid Table, which I'll be trying soon.

On these long, dark nights, I've watched the first two episodes of Edwardian Farm, and a movie I truly enjoyed, Brave.  If you've been following here, you may remember our cedar walkway from last winter.  Not much has been done in quite some time, with the pond and other projects taking priority, but the gorgeous weather last weekend had us working on it again.  J finished digging the path with the backhoe,  we gathered up cedars from far and wide, ones that had been cut for the pond or other small projects, and some that were obviously dying, then we got to work... me limbing them with the Sawzall while J cut them to length with the chainsaw.  Lots more to do, but progress is being made!

Wishing you a most wonderful weekend!


GlebeTheElder Jr said...

After reading the recipe I'm craving collards. The peanut butter and collard soup listed at the bottom of the recipe page sounds interesting, but I'll put peanut butter on just about anything.

Laurie said...

Hmmm, peanut butter & collard soup does sound interesting... will have to check that out. Tonight, it's kale salad. Yum!