We've been getting into the holiday spirit here on the homestead. The stockings are hung, the wreath is on the door, the presents are awaiting wrapping. We even had snow while we were decorating the tree on Sunday. In fact, we had some flurries & sleet while we were on our tree shopping expedition on Saturday. There's something about snow, that just feels like Christmas. I remember how odd it felt, living in L.A. at Christmas. I distinctly remember thinking it just didn't seem right to be Christmas shopping, walking from my car when it was in the 70's. The wind whipping, some snowflakes falling.... yea, that's more like it. I suppose that harkens back to my childhood on Long Island. OK, enough about the weather already :o)
My first batch of holiday cookies are in the oven, and the smell is making my mouth water! I figured my sales were pretty much over, with the holidays so near. But, I guess there are plenty of last minute shoppers. Works for me! It's always interesting to see which soap is the best-seller each year. This holiday season, Patchouli wins hands down. Someone bought my last 4 bars today, so there is a new batch of Patchouli, snug in the mold tonight. There's a good chance we'll awaken to more snow. Yay!